понедельник, 1 октября 2012 г.

Zebrina anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antibacterial and antitumor agent

Zebrina - wonderful plant! Not true, when you hear this title- «Zebrina» - you imagine a Zebra? In fact, because of the similarity of his striped leaves the coat of a Zebra, this plant got its sonorous name.
In addition to «Zebrina», the plant sometimes called wives of gossip and традесканцией.
This perennial plant, very beautiful, with bright long shoots and leaves in the strip.
Especially beautiful zebrina in the period of flowering, when it is covered with small pink or purple leaves. Shoots of the same, in this period, make a kind of present curtains hanging from the pot bright with whips. This is explained by the fact that originally from Mexico and at home she is «decorated» cliffs and huge trees.
In folk medicine shoots zebrina use as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antibacterial and antitumor agent. So, spiderwort is used in the treatment of diabetes and tuberculosis.

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