понедельник, 1 октября 2012 г.

Donnik medicinal for headaches

Donnik medicinal -  is everywhere occurring on the territory of the post-Soviet space is a biennial plant. It is in the same family, as peas, Lupin, and beans. Is a good bee plant. Specially cultivated rare, because, in fact, ineradicable as a weed plant.
As a basis for medicinal forms used by the plant itself. On the medicinal properties of seed clover nothing is known.

The most effective are the upper non-rigid parts of the stems of plants. During flowering, which is an  intensive education juice them with a pair of scissors and dried in the warm and well-ventilated areas.

In popular and official medicine it is used as an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, febrifuge. In addition, but it is shown when the nerve disorders, psychosis and complaints during menopause. Cases are known, when the plant was used as anti-cancer and against encephalitis means. In Chinese traditional medicine donnik devoted a lot of chapters in medical treatises. Avicenna (Ibn Sina) called Donnik medicinal «the crown of the kings».

Also Donnik medicinal has an excellent sedative and analgesic effect. The fact is, that the molecular structure of this plant, especially the first, is in many respects similar to the structure of analgesic medicaments. The effect of yellow sweet clover weaker analgin, but it works longer and does not impact negatively on the body.

In order to make full use of sedatives and painkillers properties of yellow sweet clover, it must be used in several pharmaceutical forms. The main of them is the infusion. For its preparation one tablespoon of dried plants, pour a glass of boiled water and heated in a steam bath, without boiling, within half an hour. After discerned and take about one tablespoon three times a day.

In parallel with the use of this you can breathe in the aroma of dried sweet clover. By the smell of it is very similar to spicy hay. For this purpose during sleep, or rest on the pillow at the head, you should put a bag filled with dry twigs clover drug.

It must be remembered that sweet clover has a relaxing and even a laxative effect, reduces coagulability of blood. But because he is contraindicated in pregnant women, people suffering from chronic and acute disorders of the gastro-intestinal tract, haemophilia and bleeding. Either way, it should be used in medical quantities only on doctor's prescription.

If we talk about the small doses, the Donnik medicinal may be a perfect spice for meat and fish dishes. Fresh highly suitable as a base for salads. And here he will have a small therapeutic effect. But in this case the number of clover as a medical preparation will be so small that its use does not in any way affect the body.

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