воскресенье, 30 сентября 2012 г.

Red root analgesic, antioxidant

Red root is analgesic, antioxidant, and increases the immunity of a tool that is often used for the treatment of impotence, diseases of the genitourinary system, oncological diseases and infertility.
In addition, it helps improve blood circulation, the restoration of man's sexual activity, the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, the elimination of the prostate gland stagnations and restoration of forces at physical loads. The infusion of red root has a slight stimulating and restorative influence, both on the nervous, and on the cardiovascular system. At various diseases of the respiratory tract red root is used as an expectorant agent.
Red root contains coumarins, tanning substances, triterpene saponins, free amino acids, as well as flavonoids. In the root part of the plant contains oligomer catechins, which, having the high P-vitamin and antioxidant activity, help to cleanse the human body from heavy metals, as well as strengthening and rebuilding of the walls of the capillaries.
To enhance the effectiveness of treatment, red root, it is recommended to combine treatment with sauna, massage and a reception cleansing herbs.

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